Attention Juniors and Seniors-
You've now been in school for two weeks and are doing an outstanding job. You have been polite, respectful, and your hallway behavior has been amazing! Many teachers and staff members have commented on your level of maturity and behavior as we have started this new school year.
However, my concern is the lack of attentiveness to the ID Policy, which requires ALL students and staff to wear IDs. IDs let us know who belongs in the building, and who could be an “uninvited guest.” Freshman and sophomores are looking to you to determine how they should respond, and I'm beginning to see a trend of you not wearing them.
Here's the deal. I've asked teachers to not begin writing referrals for non-compliance. I trust that when someone asks you to put it on that you will. But to be honest, we all have better things to do than to have to ask you to take your ID out of your pocket or backpack on a daily basis.
I've asked the Student Intervention Directors to start stopping by junior and senior classes to address this issue in a non-punitive way. Again, I'm not interested in issuing out consequences for non-compliance. This is a school policy, not something that you can unilaterally decide to ignore. Our job as the administration and the staff is to ensure that you are adhering to that policy. I'm personally asking for your help. Junior and senior leaders, I need you to lead.
Please wear your IDs everyday while you are in school. It's part of the safety protocol of your high school. Please show your administration and staff that are working hard to make this high school the best it can be for you by wearing your IDs...and challenge your classmates to do the same.
Principal Rouse
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